2 eggs today - Marj and dhylis.
I came home to find both Sylvie and Penny in the nest box - Penny was expected but not Sylvie. I think she wan't to lay an egg, as she just couldn't get comfy - but no usual shout yet, and she's out free ranging so she may have got distracted.
On the way to work there was a stall selling some home grown cuecumbers - so I got 2 - for 35p each. They are huge, as you can see, and look much tastier than Tesco's that are wrapped in plastic. I'd love to grow cuecumbers, but I don't have enough room for a green house.

I've been to work today, then come home and made some raspberry frozen yoghurt - it's delicous. Very easy recipe pinched form the omlet board.
8oz rasberries or strawberries
3oz of caster suger
1 large pot of low fat bio yoghurt.
Blitz the fruit and sugar in a food processor, then add the mixture to an ice cream maker, and add the youghurt - then leave to set.
It's very pink as you can see from the picture.

I've started to make some jam too - another easy one. it's just sitting with the fruit on top of the sugar to encourage the juice to come out. Then I've got to add a little bit of water, and low heat until the sugar has disolved, then boil rapidly for 4 minutes. I can't wait for that either.
The girls are out and about - as you can see it's a bit wet - but they have the choice of sitting in the dry or free ranging - so it is up to them. They do make me laugh. Marjorie is getting more chatty by the day, to the point of being a bit noisy. She hears me walk up the gravel drive and starts squeeking. she does this too the next door neighbour too as she can't distinguish between the gravel. I still can't believe how great chickens are - their eye sight is amazing. I'll stand watching the from a window inside the house, and they come running over to see me.

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