I got up early and let the girls out in the garden to have a free range as I knew we were going out for most of the day. Attached a picture of them this morning - they were up of the deck eating seeds.

We've had an interesting day today. We went to look at some houses as we may have to move - the first 2 were owned by a farmer, the road was really busy and fast, and the houses had really strange shaped rooms - so these were definitely a NO.
We then decided to look at some new houses in a development close to Baldock. Some of the houses were really nice - and I think we are definitely interested in some of these - but only if the chickens can live there too. One problem is that non of them had a huge garden - which is why we were moving.
On the way out - we came across the best place I have ever been - Thorne Poultry rare breeds centre. It was great. I chatted to frank (one of the guys who worked there) for ages and ages, they had loads of different breeds, I really liked the columbians, but they were too big to live in an eglu! They had welsummers, silkies, silver laced wyandottes, pekins, everything - you name it they had it - except no buff pekins (to replace Marj). Although they did have a lemon pekin - which could be an option - I may have to phone then next week to see when they will be ready. I also need to buy my purple eglu to get some big girls (they were ready on the 2nd of march!).
Off to more house hunting....
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