Total eggs = 79
Only Dhylis laying - Sunday, Tuesday and today.
So, been a bit busy, so no time to update my blog. I've had a busy few days at work, and the weather has been appalling, so the chooks haven't been out much.
Got home today - slightly delayed, but I went straight down to see the girls to collect the eggs (or shoud that be egg). Penny was of course sat on the nest, so she was promptly removed, and a lovely egg from Dhylis was waiting for me. Just as I was putting Penny in the nest, I noticed something moving on her head. On closer inspection - it was a louse, and not just one, but loads!
I phoned the vets, after checking hhe omlet board for what to give them to get rid of them (frontline had been metioned), they said the chicken vet wasn't in now as it was late, and I should have phoned earlier, as they've had lots of clinics on all day - and I could have spoken to her if I had phoned earlier - to which my reply was " but I've only just got back from work, and this was the earliest I could have phoned - it would be great to stay at home all day and look at my chickens, but unfortunatley I have to work" - oh, but I still should have phoned earlier was the reply. The vet / receptionist whoever she was was really awful, thought I knew absolutley nothing about anything - which isn't true at all. Frontline was recommended by some people on omlet, so I suggested this - which was completely rebutted by this awful woman - as it isn't licensed. So - my response to this - why would a drug company with a very expensive flea/ lice treatment want to licence it on chickens? We why would they? It's only mad urban chicken owners like me who would want to pay for the best treatment - not chicken farmers with hundreds of thousands of chickens, so it isn't worth the investment - hence not licenced, but probably completely safe. I may just spend the next couple of weeks researching the effects of Frontline on chickens - that'll show them.
Just thought - I haven't heard Marjorie sneeze today - maybe she's cured - fingers crossed.
So, chicken eglu has been cleaned out, the girls looked most upset as their house was all over the garden. It's now back together - much to Penny's delight, she was straight back in the nest box, brooding again!
So, I'm now watching Holby City from Sky + a couple of weeks ago, debating that the heating should be put on in a minute - I never thought I'd be saying this in May - espicially with global warming.
Boris has desrted me, for upstairs, asleep on our bed no doubt, he's just been for a long walk down the station.
Here are a photo taken from the kitchen window - when we had 5 minutes of sunshine over the weekend.

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