I haven't posted in a long while as we've been really busy. Christmas shopping, Christmas and then holidays have meant we haven't been about very much.
Unfortunately I have some sad news, Marjorie our lovely buff pekin dies on Tuesday the 16th of January from a bad infection. She was a very chatty girl, and was often told off by me for shouting too loudly in the morning to be fed. She was a lovely girl, and always flew out of the run when we opened the door, swaking and flapping her wings but not really taking off (and she encouraged Sylvie to do the same). She was very lazy too - and used to "melt" at every oppurtunity.

We've buried her in the vegetable patch and planted an orange peony on top of her. I hope she had a happy life with us, we really enjoyed having her live with us and making us smile.
Bye bye Marj, we miss you.