We've had a really busy weekend this weekend, my mum and dad came up to help with sorting out the end of my garden which is past the chickens. It basically looked like a dumping ground for everything people who have previously lived here have ever had. When we first moved in, we had a huge bonfire to burn the mound of rubbish at the end, and then built the girls house very close to that, over the abandoned pond that had a hedge growing in it.
The shed had to go - rather than use the door, Dad decided that the side was easy access with his helper - Harry.
With the contents cleared it seemed only right to go on the roof........to clear off the roofing felt.
Behind Mum is the contents of the shed that the previous house owners kindly left behind (oh - and Harry helping again)
End of Day 1, so a lot to do before we're finished
Contents of old shed stacked further down the garden to allow access (Tom's home now as it's the weekend)
Old shed almost gone now - just the base and the windows remain,
Time to start on the trees - so Dad and Harry cutting them down,
Tom on his new toy (with Boris this time)

Tom taking down the trees on the other side of the area to Dad,
Leo having a go on the digger,
Let the digging commence......
It was all too much for Blanche and Lola who were dustbathing to pass the time,
Doing some digging...... takes us to day 3
A big mound of mud,
Two of the veggie beds, the recycled one and a new one,
Hero Nakamora (about 2 seconds after this photo was taken he slipped down the bank .... if only I'd had a video camera)!
Five beds in
and it was too much for Margo and Jerry to take - so sunbathing was in order,
Our handy work - as it looks at the moment, I'm so amazed we managed to get it so far on from what it was, it's actually a usable part of the garden now, and should provide us with some organic veg when I get planting - I can't wait.
The 2 people that helped us do it, dad - who will be known as Number one digger I think, and mum who when she wasn't in the garden helping, was looking after Leo for us so we could go out and dig. We couldn't of done it without them, and can not thank them enough.
Excellent use of the parents... Do they take bookings?
Love Em & girlies
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