The good life = 8 eggs
My first day of me not working is today. I took Boris for a walk up the common, and he had a whale of a time, lots of freinds, and even better lots and lots of squirrels. He spent most of his time walking looking at the sky and trying to pull me over.
I got back home, tiedied the kitchen, put some washing on, then went out to the shops. I went to get the baby all the things it still needs, and was quite successful, but I still haven;t got it all. I did manage to get a tumble dryer though - which is great news as it means at least we can have dry clothes during the winter!
I've unloaded the car, put on some more washing, and then gone up to see the girls. The big girls needed cleaning out, so I did that - it taking all of 3 minutes with the eglu. The compost bin is set up just outside the run, so hay and chicken poo was added to that - we should have some great compost in no time at all.

I also found another egg from the big girls. I have no idea who is laying, having been out at work, or out shopping today I haven't been about to listen for the "I've laid an egg" noise, which is very frustrating as I'd like to know who is laying the eggs. On a side note - the little girls look in such good condition - I'm amazed by them, fingers crossed they all get on when I let the big girls out with them.

When I'm up with the girls, I think the boys get jealous!

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