The new girls are here!!!! We've driven over 150 miles today to get then from deepest darkest Essex, and the new ex battery hens are now looking very confused in the blue eglu and run.
We left the house this morning at just after 10am, and then drove 78 miles to the house where the rescue chickens were being unloaded. I'd put my name down for 3 hens, and when I rounded the corner I couldn't believe how many hens there were there. In total the BHWT was rescuing 600 hens today from the one farm.
I stood looking at them for 5 minutes trying to decide who I wanted to take home - but it was too difficult to choose. In the end I said to the girl, just pick 3 - so we've ended up with one darker feathered girl who has the most feathers of the 3, and 2 who are lighter, and bit balder - but pretty just the same.
We drove home, and the new girls didn't chat at all on the way home, which was strange as when we got the first girls they chatted all the way home. When we got home we took them straight up to the end of the garden, and put them in the eglu house, fed the pekin girls some corn, and left them too it.

2 hours later and the ex bats still hadn't some out of the eglu, so we gave them a helping hand - I don't think the realised that they were allowed to come out!
So we have called them........... Margo - the darker feather one, Jerry the light one with the most feathers, and Barbara the baldest one, as hopefully they will have a good life with us now.

Jerry in Front and Barbara at the back.
In a months' time they will look totally different and gorgeous. My three brown hens came from a poultry farm - but they lived in sheds - so were not bald - they were so friendly bless them
Love the names - very appropriate.
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