Just realised it has been a long while since I posted. My veggie patch is doing very well and we have had our first harvest of lettuce so far. We now have apond, but don't appear to have any fish - we put them in and haven;t seen them for 3 weeks now.
Big news is that the building work on our house has started - finally! A couple of photos below to show the progress so far.......
The chimney as gone and the roof weathered in,

chimney has gone on the top floor,

chimney has gone on the middle floor creating an uncoventinal ensuite,

The whole between the lounge and the dining room is about to disapear,

the patio has gone ready for foundations -all this in less than a week!

Oh - and I now have 8 chickens, all hybrids apart from good old Dhylis who is still going strong!
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