We've had an interesting day today. We drove to SE london to pick up a chicken, a laced Wyandotte. She had the name gussy, but we've changed that to Stella. She was being picked on by the 2 hybrids who she lived with, so much so that she has her own little house to stay in (a rabbit run). Sh'e been out in the garden all afternoon with our girls, and there has only been one little fight - so fingers crossed it will go ok. She's taken herself to bed in her own little house - so I'll move her in with my girls in about an hour when they should be all sleepy.She was obvisously really happy as we even got an egg at 3pm this afternoon - I'm amazed as her last owners said they ahve never had an egg from her - and we have had one within an hour and a half of having her - if she carried on like she will be most welcome. A photo of Stella with my girls. It still seems strange not having an orange hen - but I'm sure I'll get another one soon.
I got up early and let the girls out in the garden to have a free range as I knew we were going out for most of the day. Attached a picture of them this morning - they were up of the deck eating seeds.
We've had an interesting day today. We went to look at some houses as we may have to move - the first 2 were owned by a farmer, the road was really busy and fast, and the houses had really strange shaped rooms - so these were definitely a NO.We then decided to look at some new houses in a development close to Baldock. Some of the houses were really nice - and I think we are definitely interested in some of these - but only if the chickens can live there too. One problem is that non of them had a huge garden - which is why we were moving. On the way out - we came across the best place I have ever been - Thorne Poultry rare breeds centre. It was great. I chatted to frank (one of the guys who worked there) for ages and ages, they had loads of different breeds, I really liked the columbians, but they were too big to live in an eglu! They had welsummers, silkies, silver laced wyandottes, pekins, everything - you name it they had it - except no buff pekins (to replace Marj). Although they did have a lemon pekin - which could be an option - I may have to phone then next week to see when they will be ready. I also need to buy my purple eglu to get some big girls (they were ready on the 2nd of march!).Off to more house hunting....