total eggs = 85 - Dhylis but Marjorie is laying again - yippee - 2 more ot go now!
No posts for the past couple of days. We had the town carnival on bank holiday Monday - I've attached a couple of photo's of the best floats. We are really lucky in that they drive past our house - so we don't have to leave upstairs to see the whole precession. I do think we are the only carnival to have antique tractors in it - and people actually come out to watch them?

We had a nice roast dinner for tea, chicken, a fancy one from waitrose, free range - organic and really really tasty. It was £13 though - so not cheap - but at least the chicken had a nice life while it was alive.Whatt was really sad was looking at the little poussin, and working out that's probably about the size of the girls with their feathers removed (which Penny is doing a good job of herself anyway!)
Yesterday was very busy at work, so I didn't get anytime for blog writing - in fact I came home and worked - which wasn't much fun. We hadChinesee takeawaybecausee I was so tired and bored after all the working I couldn't be bothered to cook after that - so risotto it is tonight (yesterdays dinner).
So today has been quite uneventful. The holiday tickets arrived - 2 week in Thailand - I can't wait - we were only there in January - but have worked so hard since we are both exhausted all the time. Books have been bought, but no packing done yet. I;ve got to juggle a business trip to the US, and Thailand in 1 suitcase - logistics of the holiday were very well thought out, but does mean I land from the US in the morning, and fly out to Bangkok on the same evening - not ideal but the only 2 weeks not already booked by others at work.
So I've got home form work, walked Boris down the mill, and saw the free rangers in their field - from who I counted today - there were about 20 hens, I think their Rhode Island reds, but could also be Gingernut rangers - big orange chickens anyway.
I've then deweeded the veggie bed, to discover the runner beans are finally growing - all this wet weather has really not helped. And I've planted 5 rows of lettuces - it was only supposed to be 3 of mixed leaves, but when I opened the packet there were 5 individual packets to make it mixed which was a tad annoying.
So I'm out in the garden writing this - Boris is out too (on the lead), and the girls are free ranging. Penny has been out for about 20 minutes, but has now gone to bed again. Sylvie has her eyes closed and is resting, Marjorie is flapping about round the garden, and Dhylis is..........You'vee guessed it - digging!